Sunday Worship in Church
September 24, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 有一位神 – There Is a God
2. 萬代之神 – God of Our Fathers
3. 永活盼望 Living Hope
詩班獻唱:親愛耶穌 Choir: My Jesus, I Love Thee
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 祂是主 – He is Lord
September 17, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #265 只有寶血 Nothing But the Blood
2. #250 愛救贖我 Love Lifted Me
3. #424 更像我恩主 More Like the Master
詩班獻唱:永活盼望 Choir: Living Hope
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
September 10, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 讓讚美飛揚 Let Praise Arise
2. #506 奮勇交戰 Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
3. #460 大使命 The Great Commission
詩班獻唱:神的路 Choir: God’s Way
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 趕快救滅亡人 Rescue the Perishing
September 3, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. 普世歡騰 Joy to the World
2. 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus (小藍本120)
3. 耶和華是愛 Jehovah Is Love
回應詩歌 Response Hymn 主,我愛你 I Love You, Lord
August 27, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #61 讚美我天父 We Praise Thee, O God
2. #229 聖經全真確 I Know the Bible Is True
3. #381 兄弟相愛 Brotherly Love
詩班獻唱:像榮美川流 Choir: Like a River Glorious
回應詩歌 Response Hymn #538 教會根基 The Church’s One Foundation
August 20, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #57 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 堅固保障
2. #294 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 當轉眼仰望耶穌
3. #421 Christ Preeminent 主居首位
詩班獻唱:聖靈的果子 Choir: Fruit of the Spirit
回應詩歌 Response Hymn Come to Jesus (Chris Rice) 來到耶穌面前
August 13, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 榮耀歸於真神 To Go Be the Glory
2. 信靠耶穌真是甜美 ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
3. 有福確據 Blessed Assurance
詩班獻唱:每一天 Choir: Day By Day
回應詩歌 Response Hymn 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
August 6, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 Holy Holy Holy
2. 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus (小藍本120)
3. 耶穌 萬國的盼望 Hope of the Nations
回應詩歌 Response Hymn 前要的是祝福 今要主自己 Once it was the Blessing, Now it is the God
July 30, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 我愛宣傳主福音 I Love to Tell the Story
2. 藉我賜恩福 Make Me a Blessing
3. 奉你為王 Lead Me to Calvary
詩班:神配受崇拜 Choir: Worthy of Worship
回應詩歌 Response Hymn 引人歸主 Must I Go, and Empty-handed
July 23, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 你們要讚美耶和華 Praise The Lord All Ye People
2. #538 教会根基 The Church’s One Foundation
3. 你的話 Your Word
Special Music: Your Grace – Stream of Praise (Ma Family)
Response: 319 堅固磐石 The Solid Rock
July 16, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #55 快樂歌 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
2. 榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name
3. 你的愛總是不離不棄 Your Love Will Never Let Me Go
詩班:萬福泉源 Choir: Come Thou Fount of Ev’ry Blessing
Response: 獻上最美 Our Best
July 9, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 昨日今日直到永遠耶穌不改變 Yesterday, Today, Forever
2. 十字架、十字架 Near The Cross
3. 今生跟随主耶稣 I Follow the Lord Jesus
詩班:主領我何往必去 Choir: Wherever He Leads I’ll Go
Response: 我已经决定要跟随耶稣 I have decided to follow Jesus
July 2, 2023
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. #2 讚美全能神 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
2. #313 我要耶穌 I Need Jesus
3. 祢是我藏身处 You are my hiding place
Special Music: God of This City (Chris Tomlin), by Bob Lepage
Response: #463 憑你意行 Have Thine Own Way, Lord