Sunday Worship in Church
June 30, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #209 寶貴血泉 (1,2,4) When I saw the Cleansing Fountain
2. #250 愛救贖我 Love Lifted Me
3. #294 當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
詩班獻唱 Choir: #87 天父必看顧你 God Will Take Care of You
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #242 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
June 23, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. How Great Is Our God 我神真偉大
2. Goodness of God 神的良善榮美
3. Gratitude 感恩
詩班獻唱 Choir: 我要歌唱天父奇妙愛 I Sing A Song to Praise the Father’s Love
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #192 賀祂為王 All Hail the Power of Jesus’s Name
June 16, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #28 清晨歌 Morning Hymn
2. #477 藉我賜恩福 Make Me a Blessing
3. #409 主我願像你 O,To Be Like Thee
詩班獻唱 Choir: 父 Father
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #449 一切獻上 I Surrender All
June 9, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #24 諸天讚美 Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him
2. #325 主活著 He Lives
3. 人飢渴 Man’s Hunger and Thirst
詩班獻唱 Choir: 這是天父世界 This Is My Father’s World
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #233 生命之道極奇 Wonderful Words of Life
June 2, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. #72 萬代之神 God of Our Fathers
2. #271 萬古磐石 Rock of Ages
3. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
詩班獻唱 Choir: 救贖的恩典 The Grace of Redemption
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #242 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
May 26, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #62 榮耀歸於真神 To God Be the Glory
2. #328 有福確據 Blessed Assurance
3. 你坐著為王 You Sit On The Throne
詩班獻唱 Choir: 耶穌,我愛你 My Jesus, I Love Thee
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #449 一切獻上 I Surrender All
May 19, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #225 – Breathe on Me – 懇求聖靈充滿我 (v1, 2, 4)
2. 來復興我 – Spirit of the Living God (2x)
3. 永活盼望 Living Hope
詩班獻唱 Choir: 愛的禮物 The Gift of Love
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 獻己於主 Take My Life and Let It Be (v1, 2 and 4)
May 12, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 我神真偉大 – How Great is Our God
2. 我的靈讚美祢 – 10,000 Reasons
3. Goodness of God – 神的良善榮美
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 獻己於主 Take My Life and Let It Be (v1, 2 and 4)
May 5, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. #70 你信實何廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness
2. #250 愛救贖我
3. 耶和華是愛 Jehovah Is Love
詩班獻唱 Choir: 救贖的恩典 The Grace of Redemption
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #242 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
April 28, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #140 奇妙十架 When I Survey the Wonderous Cross
2. #323 永不改變 Yesterday, Today, Forever
3. #412 主居首位 Christ Preeminent
詩班獻唱 Choir: 我要頌揚 I Will Praise the Lord
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: #294 當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus
April 21, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. 這裡有榮耀 Glory
2. 耶穌基督 In Christ Alone
3. 千萬個理由 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
詩班獻唱 Choir: 主賜福如春雨 Rain of Blessings
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 信靠順服 Trust and Obey (v. 1, 3-5)
April 14, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
1. #71 真神之愛 The Love of God
2. #334 祂藏我靈 He Hideth My Soul
3. #409 主,我願像袮 O, To Be Like Thee
詩班獻唱 Choir: 若 If
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 活出愛 Live Out Love
April 7, 2024
Sunday worship starts at 9:30AM (Mountain Time) – sermon message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School starts at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, we invite you to join us.
1. 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlins)
2. 主根基 Cornerstone Goodness of God
3. 神的良善榮美
詩班獻唱 Choir: 罪債主還清 Jesus Paid Us All
回應詩歌 Response Hymn: 祢信實何廣大 Great is Thy Faithfulness