Sunday Worship in Church
September 25, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You Are My God
袮的愛不離不棄 You Will Never Leave Me
詩班:我要耶穌 Choir: I Need Jesus
Response song: 我時刻需要祢 I Need Thee Every Hour
September 18, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
祢是我的一切 You Are My All In All
除祢以外 Whom Have I But You
詩班:我寧願有耶穌 Choir: I’d Rather Have Jesus
Response song: 我的神我敬拜祢 My Lord, I Worship You
September 11, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
你的話 Thy Word
輕輕聽 Listen Quietly
詩班:神的路 Choir: God’s Way
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart
September 4, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
我以禱告來到祢跟前 Every Time I Pray
我的幫助從何而來 Where Does My Help Come From
詩班:我的心你要稱頌耶和華 Choir: Praise the Lord, O My Soul
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart
August 28, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. 來擁戴主為王 Crown Him with many crowns
2. 祂是主 He is Lord
詩班:救主權能 Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun
Response song: 你坐著為王 You Sit On The Throne
August 21, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. 萬代之神 God of Our Fathers
2. 祢真偉大 How Great Thou Art
詩班:一切獻上 All to Jesus I Surrender
Response song: 有一位神 There Is A God
August 14, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. 只願得著你 Take Hold of Christ
2. 願萬民歸向祢 May All Peoples Turn to You
詩班:主居首位 Choir: Christ Preeminent
Response song: 人們需要主 People Need the Lord
August 7, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
1. 成為我異象 Be Thou My Vision
2. 我的神我敬拜祢 My Lord, I Worship You
詩班:獻上最美 Choir: Our Best
Response song: 坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
July 31, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
1. 感謝神 Thanks to God for My Redeemer
2. 是誰 Who Did
詩班:遵主恩言 Choir: According to Thy Gracious Word
Response song: 直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus Comes Again
July 24, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. 耶和華是愛 Jehovah Is Love
2. 有一位神 There Is A God
詩班:請對我說 Choir: Speak to My Soul
Response song: 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
July 17, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. Holy, Holy, Holy” 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉
2. 渴慕耶和華的院宇 Your Chamber
詩班:為聖須用工夫 Choir: Take Time to Be Holy
Response song: 何等奇妙的救主 What A Wonderful Savior
July 10, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
1. 坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
2. 愛的真諦 The Essence of Love
詩班:恩友歌 Choir: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Response song: 活出愛 Live Out Love
July 3, 2021
教會在本月四日開門,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church will open on 7/4/2021 and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
1. 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus
2. 野地的花 Flowers of the Field
3. 十架的愛 Great Is Your Love
Response song: 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus
For old posts between Mach 2020 and June 2021, lease visit Online Worship During COVID-19.