Sunday Worship in Church
December 25, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
Be Thou My Vision 成為我異象
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
輕輕聽 Listen Quietly
Response song: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) 奇異恩典 (鎖鏈得脫)
December 18, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
Response song: 在基督裡 In Christ Alone
December 11, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
这位奇妙婴孩是谁?What Child Is This?
教會唯一的根基 The Church’s One Foundation
詩班:小伯利恆 Choir: O Little Town of Bethlehem
Response song: 渴慕耶和華的院宇 Your Chamber
December 4, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
Away in A Manger 马槽歌
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
詩班:與主合一 Choir: United with the Lord
Response song: 有一位神 There Is A God
November 27, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
祢真偉大 How Great Thou Art
耶和華是愛 Jehovah Is Love
詩班:萬代之神 Choir: God of Our Fathers
Response song: 我要一心稱謝祢 Lord, I Praise with All of my Heart
November 20, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
愛使我們相聚一起 The Bond of Love
Great is thy Faithfulness 祢信實何廣大
詩班:數算主恩 Choir: Count Your Blessings
Response song: 活出愛 Live Out Love
November 13, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
奇異恩典 Amazing Grace
成為我異象 Be Thou My Vision
詩班:天父領我 Choir: He Leadeth Me
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart
November 6, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
真神羔羊 Lamb of God
詩班:請對我說 Choir: Speak to My Soul
Response song: 奇異恩典 (鎖鏈得脫) Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
October 30, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
人們需要主 People Need the Lord
直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus Comes Again
詩班:當轉眼看耶穌 Choir: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Response song: 只願得著你 Take Hold of Christ
October 23, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
以色列的聖者 Holy One
求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart
詩班:若得全世界 Choir: If I Gained the World
Response song: 一件禮物 A Gift
October 16, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
成為我異象 Be Thou My Vision
我的靈讚美袮 10,000 Reasons
詩班:有一位神 Choir: There is a God
Response song: 在基督裡 In Christ Alone
October 9, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
在基督裡 In Christ Alone
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
詩班:頌讚主聖名 Choir: Blessed Be the Name
Response song: 這一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You
October 2, 2021
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.
We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.
在基督裡 In Christ Alone
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
詩班:在主聖桌前 Choir: Here, at Your Table, Lord
Response song: 這一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You