Sunday Worship in Church

June 25, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

#55 快樂歌 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
如鹰展翅上腾 I’ll Soar Like an Eagle
詩班:我靈鎮靜 Choir: Be Still, My Soul
Response song: 從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally

June 18, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

我要一心稱謝你 Lord, I Praise with All of My Heart
440 信靠順服 Trust and Obey.
詩班:美哉主耶穌 Choir: Fairest Lord Jesus
Response song: 阿爸父 Abba Father

June 11, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

454: 將最好獻主 Give of Your Best to the Master
你坐著為王 You Sit On The Throne
這一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You
詩班:永不改變 Choir: Yesterday, Today, Forever
Response song: 人們需要主 People Need the Lord

June 4, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.

#398 It Is Well with My Soul” 我心靈得安寧
Be Thou My Vision 成為我異象
詩班:仰望羔羊 Choir: My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Response song: 我知谁掌管明天 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

May 28, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

#331 有福的確劇 Blessed Assurance
從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally
詩班:永遠的膀臂 Choir: The Everlasting Arms
Response song: 動力信望愛 Hope, Faith and Love

May 21, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

#490 與主偕行 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
活出愛 Live Out Love
詩班:像枝子在葡萄樹 Choir: As the Branch Is to the Vine
Response song: 動力信望愛 Hope, Faith and Love

May 14, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
耶和華祢是我的神 Jehovah, You Are My God
詩班:這是天父世界 Choir: This Is My Father’s World
Response song: #516 信徒如同精兵 Onward, Christian Soldiers

May 7, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

古旧十架 / The Old Rugged Cross
詩班:愛的禮物 Choir: The Gift of Love
Response song: 當我們回到天家 WHEN WE ALL GET TO HEAVEN

April 30, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.

如鹰展翅上腾 I’ll Soar Like an Eagle
#199 美哉主耶穌 Fairest Lord Jesus
詩班:主領我何往必去 Choir: Wherever He Leads
Response song: 我時刻需要祢 I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR

April 23, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

在基督裡 In Christ Alone
活出愛 Live Out Love
詩班:主領我何往必去 Choir: Wherever He Leads
Response song: #592 願我家基督化 God, Give Us Christian Homes

April 15, 2022
來臨的星期日是復活節,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
This coming Sunday is Easter. The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

你坐著為王 You Sit On The Throne
詩班:哈利路亞歸十架 Choir: Hallelujah for the Cross
Response song: 從亙古到永遠 You Reign Eternally

Today(4/15/22) is Good Friday. I would like to invite you to come to remember the suffering of Christ. We will have an online service through Zoom. The time for the service is 7:30 PM.

1. 祂自己 Himself
2. 古舊十架 The Old Rugged Cross
3. 以色列的聖者 Holy One
Response song: 十架的呼喚 The Call Of The Cross

April 9, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

Be Thou My Vision 成為我異象
寶貴十架 Precious Cross
詩班:贖罪之泉 Choir: There Is a Fountain
Response song: 人們需要主 People Need the Lord

April 2, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.

真神羔羊 Lamb of God
這一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You
詩班:神配受崇拜 Choir: Worthy of Worship
Response song: 爱的真谛 The Essence of LOVE