Sermon 2018-08-26 God’s Presence in the Midst of Trouble

題目 : 神在困境中的同在
Title : God’s Presence in the Midst of Trouble

經文 : 耶利米書 29:1-14
Text : Jeremiah 29:1-14

Speaker: Ralph Dawson


  1. 困境(耶利米書 29:1-4)
    The Trouble (Jeremiah 29:1-4)

    1. 困境就是被擄 The trouble is exile.
    2. 誰引起困境?Who caused the trouble?
    3. 為什麼(耶利米書 29:6-8)Why? (Jeremiah 29:6-8)
  2. 如何在困境中作出反應(耶利米書 Jeremiah 29:5-7)
    How to Respond in Times of Trouble (Jeremiah 29:5-7)

    1. 蓋造房屋,栽種田園,建立家庭 Build houses, plant gardens, raise families.
    2. 向俘虜你們的人尋求和平 Seek the peace of your captors.
  3. 神在困境中與他們同在(耶利米書 29:10-14)
    God is With Them in Their Times of Trouble (Jeremiah 29:10-14)

    1. 神的目的 God’s purpose
    2. 神的同在 God’s presence


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