Sermon 2014-03-23 You Must Be Born Again

題目 : 你要重生
Title : You Must Be Born Again

經文 : 約翰福音 3:1-16
Text : John 3:1-16

Speaker: Bro. Ralph Dawson

引言: 耶穌在耶路撒冷過逾越節
Introduction: Jesus in Jerusalem for the Passover

  1. 尼哥底母拜訪耶穌 (3:1-2)
    Nicodemas visits Jesus (3:1-2)
  2. 耶穌回答尼哥底母 (3:3-8)
    Jesus answers Nicodemas (3:3-8)
  3. 尼哥底母不明白 (3:9-13)
    Nicodemas does not understand (3:9-13)
  4. 耶穌說明如何重生 (3:14-16)
    Jesus tells how to be Born Again (3:14-16)


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