Sermon 2010-08-22 Love God with All Your Heart

題目 : 要盡心愛神
Title : Love God with All Your Heart

經文 : 申命記 6:4-5
Text : Deuteronomy 6:4-5


  1. 耶和華是獨一的真神 (申 6:4)
    The Lord is the only true God (Deut 6:4)
    a. 耶和華是獨一的真神 (申 5:7)
    The Lord is the only true God (Deut 5:7)
    b. 神擁有絕對主權 (申 10:17-18)
    God has absolute power (Deut 10:17-18)
  2. 愛神的四個表現 (申 6:5)
    The four behaviors of loving God (Deut 6:5)
    a. 愛神的必敬畏神 (申 28:58)
    Those who love God will fear God (Deut 28:58)
    b. 愛神的走在神的道上 (申 28:9)
    Those who love God will walk in his ways (Deut 28:9)
    c. 愛神的必侍奉神 (申 6:13)
    Those who love God will serve God (Deut 6:13)
    d. 愛神的必遵守神的吩咐 (申 5:29)
    Those who love God will keep his commands (Deut 5:29)


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