Sermon 2009-01-11 What Does the Bible Say about the European Union?

題目 : 聖經關於歐洲聯盟的記載是怎樣的?
Title : What Does the Bible Say about the European Union ?

經文 : 但以理書 2:31-45; 7:7,24,25
Text : Daniel 2:31-45; 7:7,24,25


  1. 尼布甲尼撒王的夢 (但以理書 2:31-35)
    The dream of King Nebuchadnazzar (Daniel 2:31-35)
  2. 夢的涵意 – 世界四大帝國 (但以理書 2:36-45)
    The interpretation of the dream – The Four World Empires (Daniel 2:36-45)
  3. 羅馬帝國的再生 – 歐洲聯盟 (但以理書 2:41-43;7:7)
    The rebirth of the Roman Empire – European Union (Daniel 2:41-43; 7:7)
  4. 敵基督的興起 (但以理書 7:24,25)
    The rise of the Anti-Christ (Daniel 7:24,25)


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