Sermon 2008-04-27 The Power of God

題目 : 神的大能
Title : The Power of God

經文 : 以弗所書 1: 19-23
Text : Ephesians 1: 19-23


藉著神的大能我們得到能力 (以弗所書 1: 20)
The power available to us through the power of God (Ephesians 1: 20)

  1. 基督的復活和提升 (以弗所書 1: 20)
    The resurrection and exaltation of Christ (Ephesians 1: 20)
  2. 基督為萬有之掌權者 (以弗所書 1: 21)
    The universal dominion of Christ (Ephesians 1: 21)
  3. 基督為教會作萬有之首(以弗所書 1: 22-23)
    The headship of Christ over all thing for the church (Ephesians 1: 22-23)


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