Sermon 2025-01-05 New Year, New You: Wisdom and Insight
題目: 新年, 新人: 智慧的開端與認識至聖者的聰明 Title: New Year, New You: Wisdom and Insight 經文: 箴言 9:10 Text: Proverbs 9:10 Speaker: Brother John Pannebaker
題目: 新年, 新人: 智慧的開端與認識至聖者的聰明 Title: New Year, New You: Wisdom and Insight 經文: 箴言 9:10 Text: Proverbs 9:10 Speaker: Brother John Pannebaker
題目: 腓利門: 愛心和解 Title: Philemon: Loving Reconciliation 經文: 腓利門書; 歌羅西書 1:21-22 Text: Philemon; Colossians 1:21-22 Speaker: Brother Evan Anderson
題目: 是何嬰孩 Title: What Child is This? 經文: 馬太福音 1:20-23 Text: Matthew 1:20-23 Speaker: Pastor Keith Williams
題目: 歷史上最偉大的出生公告 Title: The Greatest Birth Announcement Ever! 經文: 路加福音 2:8-20 Text: Luke 2:8-20 Speaker: Pastor John Torrison
題目: 靠信心前行 Title: Forward by Faith 經文: 士師記 7:1-8:3 Text: Judges 7:1-8:3 Speaker: Brother Shawn Frazier