Sermon 2007-12-23 Evangelism
Speaker: Pastor Albert Seung 向上 (^) – 崇拜 (Worship) 向下 (v) – 教育 (Education) 向左 (<) – 團契 (Fellowship) 向右 (>) – 傳福音 (Evangelism)
Speaker: Pastor Albert Seung 向上 (^) – 崇拜 (Worship) 向下 (v) – 教育 (Education) 向左 (<) – 團契 (Fellowship) 向右 (>) – 傳福音 (Evangelism)
時間/Time: Saturday, 12/22/2007, 7pm 地點/Location: Albuquerque Chinese Baptist Church (2721 Arizona St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110) 聯絡/Contact: Pastor Liew (331-4520) [音樂會照片 Concert Photos ] 音樂會錄音: 2007/acbc_concert_20071222.mp3
題目 : 以賽亞九章六節的四個名稱 Title : The Four Fold Name of Isaiah 9:6 經文 : 以賽亞書 9:6 Text : Isaiah 9:6
Our last Friday Night Children’s Fellowship for this year is Caroling night. We met at Mr. and Mrs. Cheng’s home at 7:30pm and did our caroling in their neighborhood. A […]
題目 : 人生的價值觀 Title : The Values of Life 經文 : 傳道書 7:1-14 Text : Ecclesiastes 7:1-14