ACBC Retreat 2008 at Glorieta
今年的退修會將於十月十八與十九日在Glorieta舉行。退修會的主題是“我們要侍奉神”。講員是常思恩牧師。The retreat will be held in Glorieta on the 18th and 19th of October. The theme of the retreat is "We will Serve the Lord". The speaker is Rev. Albert […]
今年的退修會將於十月十八與十九日在Glorieta舉行。退修會的主題是“我們要侍奉神”。講員是常思恩牧師。The retreat will be held in Glorieta on the 18th and 19th of October. The theme of the retreat is "We will Serve the Lord". The speaker is Rev. Albert […]
題目 : 神的愚拙 Title : The Foolishness of God 經文 : 哥林多前書 1:18-25 Text : I Corinthians 1:18-25 Speaker : Mark Yee
題目 : 基督拆毀了隔斷的墻 Title : Christ has Broken Down the Wall of Separation 經文 : 以弗所書 2:11-18 Text : Ephesians 2:11-18
題目 : 天父的慈愛 Title : Love of the Heavenly Father 經文 : 路加福音 15:11-24 Text : Luke 15:11-24
We watched the DVD of Joanne Shetler sharing her life as a Wycliffe Bible translator. Joanne was speaking to 15,000 college students at a missions meeting in Urbana, Illinois. The […]