Sermon 2023-11-26 Mind Yourself
題目: 管好自己 Title: Mind Yourself 經文: 腓立比書 4:8-9, 11b-13 Text: Philippians 4:8-9, 11b-13 Speaker: Pastor John Loudat
時間 Time : 9:30am
地點 Address: 2721 Arizona St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
題目: 管好自己 Title: Mind Yourself 經文: 腓立比書 4:8-9, 11b-13 Text: Philippians 4:8-9, 11b-13 Speaker: Pastor John Loudat
題目: 救恩別無他名 Title: Salvation in No Other Name 經文: 使徒行傳 4:1-22 Text: Acts 4:1-22 Speaker: Pastor Evan Anderson
題目: 認基督為主:口頭, 行動, 或两者兼具 Title: Words, Life, or Both? 經文: 馬太福音 10:32 Text: Matthew 10:32 Speaker: Brother John Pannebaker
題目: 認識神的生命,喜悅和樂趣 Title: The Life, Joy, and Pleasure of Knowing God 經文: 詩篇 16 Text: Psalm 16 Speaker: Brother John Pannebaker
題目: 聖經有多重要? Title: How Important Is the Bible? 經文: 提摩太後書 2:15 Text: 2 Timothy 2:15 Speaker: Pastor Keith Williams