Sermon 2024-08-18 Gideon – A Man of Faith?
題目: 基甸- 有信心的人? Title: Gideon – A Man of Faith? 經文: 士師記 6:11-40 Text: Judges 6:11-40 Speaker: Brother Shawn Frazier
題目: 基甸- 有信心的人? Title: Gideon – A Man of Faith? 經文: 士師記 6:11-40 Text: Judges 6:11-40 Speaker: Brother Shawn Frazier
題目: 偶像 – 在我們心中隱蔽的地方 Title: Idols – Their Covert Place in Our Hearts 經文: 士師記 6:1-10 Text: Judges 6:1-10 Speaker: Br. Shawn 夏恩弟兄
題目: 底波拉 Title: Deborah 經文: 士師記 4-5 Text: Judges 4-5 Speaker: Br. Shawn 夏恩弟兄
題目: 俄陀聶與以笏: 主的靈與祂的救贖計畫 Title: Othniel and Ehud: The Spirit of the Lord and a Plan 經文: 士師記 3 Text: Judges 3 Speaker: Brother Shawn 夏恩弟兄
題目: 那個最好的時代,那個最糟糕的時代 Title: It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times 經文: 士師記 1-2章 Text: Judges 1-2 Speaker: 夏恩弟兄 Shawn Frazier