Sermon 2009-02-01 The Judgment Seat of Christ
題目 : 基督臺前的審判
Title : The Judgment Seat of Christ
經文 : 哥林多後書 5:10, 哥林多前書 3:12-15, 羅馬書 14:12
Text : II Corinthians 5:10, I Corinthians 3:12-15, Roman 14:12
- 信徒在基督的審判臺前 (哥林多后書 5:10, 羅馬書 14:12)
Believers before the judgment seat of Christ (II Cor 5:10, Rom 14:12) - 我們工夫的品質將會受到考驗 (哥林多前書 3:12-15)
The character of our work will be tested (I Cor 3:12-15) - 獎賞的種類
The type of rewards:生命的冠冕 (雅各書 1:12, 啟示錄 2:10)
The Crown of Life (James 1:12, Rev 2:10);
a. 榮耀冠冕 (彼得前書 5:2-4)
The Crown of Glory (I Peter 5:2-4);
b. 傳福音的冠冕 (帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:19, 腓立比書 4:1)
The Crown of Rejoicing (I Thes. 2:19, Phil 4:1);
c. 公義的冠冕 (提摩太後書 4:8)
The Crown of Righteousness (II Tim 4:8);
d. 不能壞的冠冕 (哥林多前書 9:25-27)
The Incorruptible Crown (I Cor 9:25-27)
證道錄音 Sermon